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spazio di Hausdorff



giancarlo toniutti / james wyness


1. Giancarlo Toniutti: t’nüüyu dmt in baa’n łbuun (I am the one who will run the whale)

2. James Wyness: regimes of attraction


16 page booklet)

release date: june 2021


price: 14,00 euro per cd
wholesale price: 9,00 euro per cd
+ postage

7% discount on pre orders

contact: baxwbakwalanuxwsiwe@libero.it



Batlahatli starts where Drookitarlùp left off. Giancarlo Toniutti and James Wyness developed two electroacoustic compositions out of sound materials collected during their European travels in search of drookitarlùp. Exploring different relational morphologies, opening their systems to timbrally charged forms, from two points of the universe, it is true that, although the "archaic" descriptor was not entirely apt, they extended their theoretical investigations in music.

'clustering on the geometry of conclusion'

(Irto Afanas'evich Trumlin)


still available:

drookitarlùp (cd+booklet)

Giancarlo Toniutti / James Wyness

Spazio di Hausdorff 2020 (T2d20)
